google map

美 [ˈɡuːɡl mæp]英 [ˈɡuːɡl mæp]
  • 网络谷歌地图;google地图;街景;离线地图
google mapgoogle map
  1. It does things that the old Google Map app on the iPhone didn 't do .


  2. NPR 's Steve Henn tells us the Google Map app is a major step in the right direction .


  3. Research on Web GIS Application Solution Based on Google Map and Ajax


  4. After duty , I tried to walk back home based on the information from Google map .


  5. Establishing Web GIS System for Disease Monitoring at Border Ports Based on Web 2.0 and Google Map


  6. Currently , the main electronic maps represented by the google map and 3D city .


  7. When it gets a location , it creates a map using the Google Map API .


  8. Next month I 'll show you how to put these flights on an interactive Google map .


  9. Google Map API was developed by Google on the network map released free set of API functions .


  10. In addition , you use the Google Map API to render the data gathered as a map .


  11. Integrating mapping capabilities , thanks to the various gadgets that reuse the Google Map API


  12. Once you provide basic contact and credit card information , a Google map pops up displaying your nearby surroundings .


  13. To embed a Google Map in your Grails application , the first thing you need to do is get a free API key .


  14. The mashup round trip follows clicking a Google map and having the Map API return the coordinates where you clicked .


  15. For example , if you have a site that offers hotel reviews , you might include a Google map of the area complete with user annotations .


  16. From a Lotus Notes mail document , a floating window containing Google Map is launched by right-clicking selected text and using the context menu .


  17. There are there subsystems for the information infrastructure , which includes : 1 . Use Google map / earth as an interface to implement specimen and ecology photo system .


  18. The combination of data sources and the Google Map API is referred to as a " mashup "( Wikipedia . org ) or Web application hybrid .


  19. The system will be present GPRS / WIFI which is most widely used and Android which is very popular , and realized the vehicles and remote monitoring network control through Google Map .


  20. At the same time , the reason causing the offset of Google Map China is found , and a simple and pragmatic method of correcting the offset of the coordinate system is put forward .


  21. Instead of clicking and waiting for the entire page to reload as you pan a Google Map , you seamlessly scroll around the map with your mouse .


  22. The internationalization plan puts Baidu Map , which has more than 300 million monthly active users in China , in direct competition with the top global mapping service provider , Google Map .


  23. The final step to get everything playing together is to leverage a bit of JavaScript to invoke the two Groovlets and accordingly update the Google Map residing on the page .


  24. Then I thought , " Why not make a Google Map , but in the physical world ?" Rather than typing a keyword to find something , I put my objects on top of it .


  25. It will allow you to read the news in bed , play multiplayer scrabble on any surface , check a recipe in a busy kitchen or view a large-scale Google map .


  26. Android build in Google Map , automotive equipment as long as little positioning data networking request to the right shows the detailed information of vehicle , this feature of Android is very suitable for client development .


  27. In this paper , Oracle Spatial technology for spatial data communications network resource management and optimization , Java development platform , combined with the Google Map API , to achieve a simple query and statistical analysis for several communication resources .


  28. The mashup is demonstrated : latitude and longitude coordinates from the Google map are sent to the Flickr API through the Ajax mechanism , and photographs are returned from Flickr .


  29. The system uses import Google Map so as to achieve the GPS satellite navigation and positioning , and it realized the delivery man position querying , online scheduling and distribution of the visualization and management in the process of inquires .


  30. GPS information acquisition and video capture are synchronized . The video frames and the GPS information are associated in order to that the video can be associated with the google map through GPS information . So we can play the videos on the google map .
